πŸ’ΉYield Farming

Yield Farms allow users to earn $PANDORA while supporting Pandora Swap by staking LP Tokens.

Pandora swap Farms offer multiple farming opportunities to our users. You can stake your LP tokens and earn $PANDORA tokens in return. We will incentivize many liquidity pairs by offering our Liquidity Providers the chance to stake their LP tokens in our farms.

How to stake and unstake in farms?

Stake LP

  1. Select the farms you wish to stake.

  2. Click 'Approve Contract'.

  3. Click 'Stake LP' and enter the amount of LP, then click 'Confirm'.

  4. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  5. Done! You can go to https://astar.subscan.io/ to see your transaction details.


  1. Select the farms you wish to harvest.

  2. Click 'Harvest'.

  3. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  4. Done! You can go to https://astar.subscan.io/ to see your transaction details.

Unstake LP

  1. Select the farms you wish to unstake.

  2. Click '- (Unstake LP)' and enter the amount of LP, then click 'Confirm'.

  3. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  4. Done! You can click https://astar.subscan.io/ to see your transaction details.

Yield farming can give better rewards than single asset staking pools, but it comes with a risk of Impermanent Loss. It’s not as scary as it sounds, but it is worth learning about the concept before you get started.

Check out this great article about Impermanent Loss to learn more.

Last updated